
Articles Posted in Bicycle Accidents


Prevent Portland, Oregon Bicycle Accidents This School Year By Watching Out for Child Bicyclists

With the new school year beginning to get under way, it is important that motorists remember to watch out for child bicyclists as well as young pedestrians. Injuries sustained by a person during any motor vehicle crash can be serious. They can be especially detrimental to a young boy or…


Oregon Department of Transportation Says Bend is City with the Most Bicycle Accident Deaths

The Oregon Department of Transportation says that there were more bicycle deaths that occurred in the city of Bend last year than in any other city in the state. Of the 7 Oregon bicycle fatalities that happened, 2 of them occurred in this Deschutes County city. Bend, however, did not…


416 Oregon Traffic Deaths in 2008, Says NHTSA

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is reporting that there were 416 Oregon traffic deaths. This fatality figure is slightly lower than the 455 Oregon traffic deaths that occurred in 2007. More 2008 Oregon Traffic Facts: • 290 passenger vehicle occupant deaths • 91 of the victims were unrestrained •…


Portland, Oregon Bicyclist and Insurer of Driver Settle Bicycle Accident Case for $100,000

A Portland bicyclist and the insurance company of the driver that struck him have reached a $100,000 Oregon bicycle accident settlement for injuries and costs. Bicyclist Ben Ramsdell was injured almost two years ago when he was hit by motorist Johnny Eschweiler, 49, after the two of them engaged in…


Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Wants Oregon Transportation Commission to Support Ban on Cell Phone Use While Driving

The Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (OBPAC) has written a letter to the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) calling on it to push for a ban on cell phone use while driving and increase its efforts to notify the public about the dangers of distracted driving. The OBPAC not only…


Oregon Wrongful Death Settlement Reached Over Teen Bicyclist’s TriMet Bus Accident Death

The parents of 15-year-old Austin Miller have reached an Oregon wrongful death settlement with TriMet over their son’s bicycle accident death. Austin died on February 11, 2008 when he was struck by a bus while riding a bicycle. Under the terms of the agreement, TriMet will pay Michael and Stephanie…


Family Files $2 Million Oregon Truck Accident Lawsuit Over Portland Bicyclist’s Wrongful Death

In Oregon, the family of Tracey Sparling is suing a cement truck driver and his employer for her wrongful death. Sparling, 19, sustained fatal crush injuries on October 11, 2007 after her bicycle was struck by the large truck. The deadly Portland truck accident occurred at the intersection of Burnside…


Car Crashes and Fall Accidents are Leading Causes of Accidental Deaths and Injuries to Minors in the US, Says CDC

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says auto accidents and fall accidents are the leading causes of accidental teen and child injuries and deaths in this country. Facts included in the CDC’s report: • 9.2 million teenagers and children a year are treated in US emergency rooms for…


To Prevent Oregon DUI Accidents, OSP Steps Up Drunk Driver Patrols Over the Holiday Season

As part of its push to keep motorists and pedestrians safe over the holiday season, the Oregon State Police is increasing its DUI enforcement efforts. Their actions are part of a 20-day national crackdown on drunk drivers and runs from December 13 though the New Year. State and local police…

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