Early reports that an Oregon industrial accident in North Portland left a worker critically injured have proven to be premature, according to The Oregonian. The newspaper, quoting an emergency services spokesman, reported that it was originally believed an explosion at SiC Processing had left a worker there with life-threatening injuries.…
Oregon Injury Lawyer Blog
Tualatin Crash leads to Oregon Drunk Driving Conviction
A 25-year-old Oregon woman has been sentenced to a fine and a diversion program and also had her license suspended after pleading guilty to Oregon drunk driving, according to The Oregonian. The short article, published earlier this month, is a useful reminder both of the serious consequences of Oregon drunk…
Oregon Plane Crash Kills Three
Aviation officials are investigating the circumstances of a plane crash that killed three people in Eastern Oregon earlier this month. The small plane was traveling from Dallesport, Washington to Cody, Wyoming when it crashed southeast of Ukiah, according to The Oregonian. According to television station KPTV, the aircraft carried a…
Innovative Program Combats Teen Drunk Driving
Chalk one up for Orange County, California in the quest for innovative ways to combat drunk driving. According to a recent article in the Orange County Register a recent student assembly in the San Clemente High School gym featured “an actual court session and sentencing of a DUI defendant.” The…
Oregon Hospital Error Figures Raise Medical Malpractice Questions
It is one of the things we all most fear – and over which we have the least control – when entering the hospital: preventable errors. Recently, Portland’s main newspaper has been reporting on an equally disturbing problem related to preventable errors and Oregon medical malpractice: the fact that because…
Oregon Class Action Suit Targets Major Insurer
A class action lawsuit filed in Salem is taking aim at a perhaps surprising target. According to area television station KDRV the lawsuit alleges that a major insurance company has been “fraudulently denying claims after car crashes.” The target? USAA, a banking and insurance giant that deals exclusively with current…
Portland Makes Top Ten Dog Bite Cities List
This is not necessarily an honor we will want to advertise here in Portland, but our city made the US Postal Service’s list of top ten cities for dog bites, according to a recent article in USA Today. Houston was number one on the list with 62 incidents of dogs…
Congress Moves to Curtail Patient Rights
A recent column in the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call highlights a potentially serious attack on patients rights here in Oregon and elsewhere, one that has received relatively little notice in the months since the new Congress convened. The focus of the piece is HR 5. Formally titled the Help…
But is this Deal Good for Everyone?
A recent announcement that insurance giant Allstate is buying the Esurance and Answer Financial brands from the smaller, less well-known, White Mountains Insurance Group raises several troubling questions. According to an Associated Press article, Allstate expects to pay about $1 billion for the two brands. The acquisition will allow Allstate…
Portland Drunk Driver (Unwittingly) Helps Police Capture Him
Fox News used to run a regular segment called “stupid criminals.” If it were still on the air the subject of today’s Oregon drunk driving blog would definitely be a candidate. According to The Oregonian, Aaron Arrell killed a woman in an Oregon fatal hit-and-run accident in March, and was…