
Oregon Injury Lawyer Blog


Prison Bribery Case Raises Civil Rights Issues

Last week the retired sheriff of Norfolk, Virginia was arrested and charged with numerous counts of bribery, according to The Washington Post. The newspaper reports Robert McCabe is accused “of taking cash, a loan, travel, gifts and campaign contributions from contractors providing food and medical care at the city jail”…


Oregon and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

A recent article in the Salem Statesman-Journal draws attention to infant deaths, an area where decades of government and private education efforts have both shown dramatic progress and encountered stubborn resistance. The paper notes that “every year, about 40 babies in Oregon go to sleep and never wake up… deaths…


A Shocking Story Offers Civil Rights Reminder

An incident in Colorado, recently recounted by The Oregonian, offers striking insight into the culture of neglect in our prisons and the important role our courts must play in ensuring justice is done. On the night of July 31, 2018, the newspaper reports, an inmate at a county jail in…


Portland Pedestrian Deaths Deserve More Attention

Two articles published last month in The Oregonian should be drawing our attention to safety issues for pedestrians on Portland’s streets. Earlier this week the newspaper reported that “more than one-quarter of the pedestrians killed on Portland streets during the last five years were 65 years or older, according to…


TriMet Adds Warning Lights to Buses

One might have thought that buses – some of the largest vehicles navigating Portland’s streets on a day-to-day basis – are fairly hard to miss. TriMet, however, is experimenting with bright rooftop lights designed to make them easier to see, according to The Oregonian. “The transit agency quietly rolled out…


Portland Ranked Low for Driver Safety

An annual report compiled by Allstate insurance on driving safety across the nation has good and bad news for Portland, according to The Oregonian. The good news is that Portland jumped nine spots in the company’s ranking of driving safety in 200 American cities. The bad news is that still…

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