
Yamhill County Truck Accident on Oregon 18 Claims Live of Teenager and Seriously Injures Her Father

A dump truck accident on Oregon 18 has claimed the life of a 16-year-old Yamhill girl, while seriously injuring her father. Now, Heather Ann Snyder’s family is left to deal with her loss, as well as with the challenges of helping her father, Frank D. Snyder, recover from his injuries while facing a life without his daughter.

On August 25, the two of them were crossing the Intersection of Lafayette Highway and Highway 18 in their Toyota Camry—the teenager was driving—when the vehicle was struck by a dump truck that was pulling a dump trailer carrying a full load.

The driver of the dump truck was 65-year-old Sheridan resident Roger Dean Wise. Wise reportedly tried to prevent the Oregon truck accident from happening by braking hard and steering left. Unfortunately, his large truck struck the driver side of the Camry.

Heather Ann was pronounced dead at the crash site. Her 47-year-old father had to be flown to Oregon Health Sciences University. Wise was not injured in the Yamhill, Oregon truck collision.

2008 Oregon Truck Facts (Oregon.gov)
• 1,261 truck accidents
• The truck was at-fault in 688 of these collisions
• 633 truck crashes can be attributed to the truck driver
• 35 truck crashes were caused by mechanical challenges
• 498 Oregon truck accident deaths
The sooner you report your Oregon truck accident, the faster your Portland, Oregon truck crash lawyer can send someone to examine the collision evidence as soon as possible. Truck logs will need to be obtained, and your injuries will have to be evaluated to determine the likely cost of recovery.

Most trucking firms are equipped to combat personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits brought by Oregon truck accident plaintiffs. This is why you need someone working for you who will protect your right to financial recovery.

Teen dies in Yamhill County accident, KGW, August 26, 2009
Truck-at-fault crashes decline in 2008, Oregon.gov

Contact Portland, Oregon truck collision lawyer Matt Kaplan today.

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