In Oregon, the woman accused of hitting 18-year-old runner Chelsee Jean Caskey with her motor vehicle during the Hood to Coast Relay on Friday has been charged with driving under the influence of intoxicants. Police arrested 20-year-old Rainier resident Chrystal Marie Meyer on Sunday and took her to Multnomah County Jail. She faces charges of reckless driving, assault, and driving under the influence of drugs.
The motor vehicle accident happened at around 9pm on Friday when Caskey, who was running on the northbound shoulder on Highway 30 close to Rocky Point Road, was struck from behind by a Kia Rio driven by Meyer. Caskey’s head struck the windshield and was on the hood of the car until it rammed through a fence.
Meyer and Caskey were both taken to Legacy Emanuel Hospital. Meyer was treated for minor injuries, while Caskey was admitted to the hospital’s ICU unit in serious condition after sustaining internal injuries, broken ribs, and a broken leg.
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is considered negligent driving. It impairs the motorist’s reflexes and senses, who may not be aware that he or she is speeding, driving in the wrong direction down a one way street, or entering a freeway through an exit. An intoxicated driver may not even realize that he or she has injured or killed another person.
In Oregon, DUII is considered a serious criminal offense. Injury victims are entitled to file an Oregon personal injury claim against the liable party.
Driver accused of hitting Hood to Coast runner arrested for DUI,, August 25, 2008
Driver whose car hit Hood to Coast runner accused of driving under the influence of drugs,
Related Web Resources:
DUII Program, State of Oregon
Hood to Coast Relay–